Monday, April 21, 2008

Dearie Cousin (2007 ah ma birdae)

The Picture of my dear cousin...

I think i do not need to post their name anymore ..

Lionnel & Kathy

Kalicia & Keavy

Kerin & Keavy

Jasper & Keavy

Most likely their names is everywhere before already.....

My Ah ma...

Keavy & Kathy

Missy K s

Missy Precious Xuan

Kathy, Kerin & Keavy

Where is the other Kkkkk???


This is my naughty Precious

Missy Tan Min ( Little Lamb???)
Pls do not be deceive by her cutie looks...

Only we know:(

We so old still have to act cute in the shoot.

She is a very interesting little cutie..

She expect us to follow her instruction.

Haiz therefore we had to act CUTE}}}} But we also very cute too.

Still got lots of pic to be update..

Pic can be as long as from 198X onwards

Hahahaha Just kidding

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